Embarking 44 years serving Houston’s LGBTQIA+ Community
Embarking on 44 years of service to the Houston LGBTQIA+ Community, Bunnies on the Bayou is embracing diversity in leadership, and we are committed to continuing our support for the LGBTQIA+ community in Houston. Bunnies on the Bayou has donated over $1.7 million to over 125 different programs supporting underrepresented communities. This year, we are excited to continue our support of programs like The Mahogany Foundation, Montrose Grace Place, and, The Dalton DeHart Photographic Foundation who work to preserve local LGBTQIA+ history, fulfill immediate needs, and lay the groundwork for a better future for all Houstonians. We are proud to support local non-profit organizations that make a real difference in the lives of our LGBTQIA+ community!
#TheMahoganyProject #MontroseGracePlace #DaltonDehartPhotographicFoundation #BunniesontheBayou #BOTB44 #JayClarkFilms